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Tug of War Competition

  In order to enrich the staff's amateur cultural life, enhance the staff's physical exercise, improve the team cohesion and centripetal force, and create a strong atmosphere of "happy work and healthy life". On May 25th and 26th, HL held a tug of war competition for employees.

  On the afternoon of May 25th, six teams successfully entered the finals after the tense preliminary competition.

On the afternoon of May 26th, the finals of the tug of war officially opened. After fierce competition, the three winning teams stood out, they are plant 2 team, plant 4 team and administrative office team. The company leaders presented an honorary certificate and cash reward to the winning team on site.

  This tug of war not only delighted the employees' mood and alleviated pressure, but also stimulated the internal motivation of all units to work together and strive to overcome difficulties, showcasing the determination and confidence of Hailin people.

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